This Medical Books "Lange Q and A : Mammography Examination Medical" by Olive Peart is Clinical Coodinator, Program in Radiology, Stamford Hospital, Stamford, CT.
Everything you need to ace the ARRT Mammography Exam in one complete study package! Two complete practice tests plus easy-to-read summaries of all the must-know concepts for the most thorough exam prep available anywhere! Two practice tests in the book and on CD-ROM ensure that the real test is not your first test Questions on CD-ROM familiarizes you with the online testing experience ARRT-format questions prepare you for what you'll see on exam day Easy-to-read review of exam essentials boils down what you really must know Written by an experienced Radiography instructor who knows exactly what it takes to pass 400 exam-style questions in the book and on CD-ROM with answers and explanations 75 illustrations, including radiographs to illustrate pathology, film comparison, normal circumscribed lesions, and normal breast calcification NEW coverage of the latest digital imaging technology, digital quality assurance standards, special patient situations, breast pathology, the latest treatment options and breast reconstruction.
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