This books (Professional PHP5 Tutorial) covers some advanced techniques in PHP, so we assume that you have a solid grounding in the basics of PHP application development. You don't necessarily have to be familiar with PHP 5 to get started, however. If you've been working in PHP4 until the recent launch of version 5, you'll be fine. Throughout the book, we've made sure that the differences between PHP 5 and PHP 4 are highlighted prominently.
To sum it up in two words, we assume that you have what might be called a working knowledge of PHP. If you have that and are eager to learn how you can take PHP to the next level in your Web projects, this book is for you.
You might be a professional Web developer for a big software company. Your company may have been working in PHP for years, but maybe it's eager to take the first steps away from ASP, Java, and other Web development platforms in an effort to discover the benefits of PHP.
You may be a lone (or almost lone) Web professional in an otherwise nontechnical company, assigned the task of implementing some huge project—perhaps a staff intranet or new corporate Web presence—who is looking for an appropriate development platform.
You may just be curious. Perhaps you're a student in university or college who's eager to supplement what you're learning in school with some professional code and project-management techniques plucked straight from the world of commercial Web development.
You might have a background in C++ or Java and have heard good things about PHP5 and how its new OOP support takes it one step closer to being a truly credible professional Web development environment. Perhaps you're skeptical and want to see whether what you've heard is true.
Whoever you are, as long as you know the basics of PHP and are eager to learn a whole lot more from people who not only know PHP inside and out but also love using it, then this book is for you.
Part I: Object-Oriented Software Development Concepts
Chapter List
Chapter 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter 2: Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Chapter 3: Putting Objects to Work
Chapter 4: Design Patterns
Part II: Creating a Reusable Object Toolkit I: Simple Utility Classes and Interfaces
Chapter List
Chapter 5: Collection Class
Chapter 6: CollectionIterator Class
Chapter 7: GenericObject Class
Chapter 8: Database Abstraction Layers
Chapter 9: Factory Interface
Chapter 10: Event-Driven Programming
Chapter 11: Logging and Debugging
Chapter 12: SOAP
Part III: Creating a Reusable Object Toolkit II: Complex (Though Not Complicated) Utilities
Chapter List
Chapter 13: Model, View, Controller (MVC)
Chapter 14: Communicating with Users
Chapter 15: Sessions and Authentication
Chapter 16: Unit Testing Framework
Chapter 17: Finite State Machine and Custom Configuration Files
Part IV: Test Case: Sales Force Automation
Chapter List
Chapter 18: Project Overview
Chapter 19: Project Management Methodologies
Chapter 20: Planning the System
Chapter 21: Systems Architecture
Chapter 22: Assembling the Sales Force Automation Toolkit
Chapter 23: Quality Assurance
Chapter 24: Deployment
Chapter 25: Designing and Developing a Robust Reporting Platform
Chapter 26: Where do You Go From Here?
Appendix A: Why Version Control is a Good Thing
Appendix B: PHP IDEs
Appendix C: Performance Tuning PHP
Appendix D: Best Practice PHP Installation
To sum it up in two words, we assume that you have what might be called a working knowledge of PHP. If you have that and are eager to learn how you can take PHP to the next level in your Web projects, this book is for you.
You might be a professional Web developer for a big software company. Your company may have been working in PHP for years, but maybe it's eager to take the first steps away from ASP, Java, and other Web development platforms in an effort to discover the benefits of PHP.
You may be a lone (or almost lone) Web professional in an otherwise nontechnical company, assigned the task of implementing some huge project—perhaps a staff intranet or new corporate Web presence—who is looking for an appropriate development platform.
You may just be curious. Perhaps you're a student in university or college who's eager to supplement what you're learning in school with some professional code and project-management techniques plucked straight from the world of commercial Web development.
You might have a background in C++ or Java and have heard good things about PHP5 and how its new OOP support takes it one step closer to being a truly credible professional Web development environment. Perhaps you're skeptical and want to see whether what you've heard is true.
Whoever you are, as long as you know the basics of PHP and are eager to learn a whole lot more from people who not only know PHP inside and out but also love using it, then this book is for you.
Part I: Object-Oriented Software Development Concepts
Chapter List
Chapter 1: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter 2: Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Chapter 3: Putting Objects to Work
Chapter 4: Design Patterns
Part II: Creating a Reusable Object Toolkit I: Simple Utility Classes and Interfaces
Chapter List
Chapter 5: Collection Class
Chapter 6: CollectionIterator Class
Chapter 7: GenericObject Class
Chapter 8: Database Abstraction Layers
Chapter 9: Factory Interface
Chapter 10: Event-Driven Programming
Chapter 11: Logging and Debugging
Chapter 12: SOAP
Part III: Creating a Reusable Object Toolkit II: Complex (Though Not Complicated) Utilities
Chapter List
Chapter 13: Model, View, Controller (MVC)
Chapter 14: Communicating with Users
Chapter 15: Sessions and Authentication
Chapter 16: Unit Testing Framework
Chapter 17: Finite State Machine and Custom Configuration Files
Part IV: Test Case: Sales Force Automation
Chapter List
Chapter 18: Project Overview
Chapter 19: Project Management Methodologies
Chapter 20: Planning the System
Chapter 21: Systems Architecture
Chapter 22: Assembling the Sales Force Automation Toolkit
Chapter 23: Quality Assurance
Chapter 24: Deployment
Chapter 25: Designing and Developing a Robust Reporting Platform
Chapter 26: Where do You Go From Here?
Appendix A: Why Version Control is a Good Thing
Appendix B: PHP IDEs
Appendix C: Performance Tuning PHP
Appendix D: Best Practice PHP Installation