Apr 9, 2008

Java XML APIs for XML Kick Start

Introduction Java XML Api Tutorial for XML Kick Start Is Organized?

Each of this book's parts are described using simple and easy-to-follow sample applications.

The first part covers the basics you'll need to learn before you can start using JAX. These include understanding the constituent components of the Web service architecture: SOAP, UDDI, and WSDL. Also covered in this part is an overview of the specific APIs.

The second part describes the Java APIs for XML Processing (JAXP), covering the SAX, DOM, and XSLT specifications. The XML processing specifications enable an application to parse an XML document in different ways.

The third part describes the Java APIs for XML Messaging (JAXM). These APIs make it possible for applications to programmatically create and send SOAP messages.

The fourth part covers the Java APIs for XML Registries (JAXR) and Remote Procedure Calls (JAX-RPC). These APIs provide the necessary mechanism for applications to connect to UDDI-based registries and submit, manage, and query data. JAX-RPC enables applications to perform remote procedure calls over the Internet.

The fifth part describes a case study that shows how the components of JAX work together to create a successful Web service. This part also has brief descriptions of the Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) and upcoming APIs that will provide even more flexibility in developing XML-based applications using Java.

Finally, there are two appendixes: The first appendix describes how to download and install JAX, and the second provides a quick overview of XML.

How This Book Is Organized
Source Code and Updates

Part I. JAX Basics
Chapter 1. Using XML for Electronic Data Interchange
Java and XML

Chapter 2. Components of Web Services
Web Services
JAX and Web Services: The Great Car Parts Company Scenario

Part II. JAXP: Java API for XML Processing
Chapter 3. Implementing Simple APIs for XML
The Packages in JAXP for Using SAX
The Key JAXP Classes and Interfaces for SAX Support
The JAXP and Reference Implementation JAR Files
Creating a SAX-Parsing Application

Chapter 4. Advanced Use of SAX
Identifying Document and Event Locations
Handling Lexical Events
Customizing External Entity Resolution
Handling Namespaces
Generating SAX Events from a Text File

Chapter 5. The Document Object Model
The DOM and the JAXP Packages
Creating a DOM Application
Accessing XML Data Using DOM
Managing Data Using DOM

Chapter 6. XSLT and XPath
The XSLT Packages
Using XSLT with DOM
Using XSLT with SAX
Transforming XML
Creating the MyXSLTTransformer Application

Part III. JAXM: Java API for XML Messaging
Chapter 7. Messaging Fundamentals
JAXM Message Exchange Categories
Interoperability with Other Messaging Applications
JAXM and SOAP Messaging Styles
JAXM Elements
The JAXM Packages

Chapter 8. Creating Client Implementations
Standalone Client Implementation
Client with Messaging Provider

Chapter 9. Registry Fundamentals
Existing Registries
Registry Uses
Registry Use Model
The Registry Information Model
The JAXR Specification
The JAXR Architecture
The JAXR Packages

Chapter 10. JAXR Implementations
The JWSDP Registry Server
Publishing Data to a Registry
Querying Data from a Registry
Deleting Data from Registry

Chapter 11. Working with JAX-RPC
JAX-RPC Working Mechanism
Constituents of a JAX-RPC Server and Client
JAX-RPC Packages
The javax.xml.rpc Package
The xrpcc Tool
The Types Supported by JAX-RPC
The CarPartRequest Web Service
The CarPartRequestClient Application

Part V. JAX in the Real World and the Future
Chapter 12. Case Study: Deploying a Web Service Using JAX
Case Study Description
Order of Development
Setting Up the JWSDP Registry Server
Creating Applications That Register Supplier Information to the Registry
Developing the Web Services

Chapter 13. Looking Ahead: JAXB and Beyond
Java Architecture for XML Binding
JAXB Components
JDOM 1.0
XML Trust Service APIs
XML Digital Signature APIs
XML Digital Encryption APIs
XML Transactioning API for Java (JAXTX)
ebXML CPP/A APIs for Java
Streaming API for XML (StAX)
Java APIs for WSDL

Part VI. Appendixes
Appendix A. Installing the JAX Pack
Java XML Pack
Java Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP)
Getting and Installing JWSDP

Appendix B. XML: A Quick Tour
What Is XML?
A Sample XML Document
The XML Declaration
The Root Element
Processing Instructions
Character References
Entity References
CDATA Section
Document Type Definition (DTD)
The Document Type Declaration
Declaring Elements
Declaring Attributes

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J2EE Best Practices: Java Design Patterns, Automation, and Performance

Overview of the Book and Technology
J2EE Best Practices: Java Design Patterns, Automation, and Performance will supply a set of best practices for J2EE software development and then use them to construct an application architecture approach referred to as the reference architecture. The reference architecture will provide a basis for rapidly building transactional business applications using J2EE technology. The design and implementation of the reference architecture is based on a set of guiding principles that will be used to optimize and automate J2EE development.

Contents :
Chapter 1 Building Business Applications with J2EE
Elements of Transactional, Web-Based Business Applications, The Reference Architecture, The J2EE Platform Approach, The Model-View-Controller Architecture Approach, Best Practices for Building Business Applications
with J2EE

Chapter 2 The Business Object Architecture: Design Considerations
Business Objects in a Banking Application, Elements of Business Objects, Design Considerations, Best Practices for Designing Business Objects

Chapter 3 Building Business Objects: Managing Properties and Handling Errors
Managing Properties, Value Objects and Lightweight Business Objects, Object Validation and Error Handling, Best Practices for Implementing Business Objects: Part One

Chapter 4 Building Business Objects: Persistence, Relationships, and the Template Method Pattern
Object Persistence, The Base Class as a Template, Overall Business Object Metadata Approach, Data Caching, Best Practices for Implementing Business Objects: Part Two

Chapter 5 The Service-Based Architecture: Design Considerations
Elements of Service-Based Components, Design Considerations, Best Practices for Designing Service-Based Components

Chapter 6 Building Service-Based Components
The Actual Service Interface, An Implementation for Argument Lists, The Session Bean as a Component Wrapper to the Service, Responsibilities of the Service Component,
Update Service Examples 225
Updating Multiple Business Objects 233
The New Customer Service 234
Data Retrieval Services 240
Building Generic, Reusable Services 251
Implementing the Controller Pattern in Services 253
Best Practices for Implementing Service-Based

Chapter 7 The User Interaction Architecture: Design Considerations and an Overview of Jakarta Struts
Elements of the User Interaction Architecture 261
Design Considerations 265
An Overview of Jakarta Struts 284
Best Practices for Designing the User
Interaction Architecture

Chapter 8 Building the User Interaction Architecture
The Change Address Page 301
The Change Address JSP 307
The View Accounts Page 332
The New Customer Wizard 342
A Template for the Action Class 362
Web Services 369
Best Practices for Implementing the
User Interaction Architecture

Chapter 9 Strengthening the Bank Application: Adding Security and Advanced Functionality
Application Security 375
Interesting Aspects of the Bank Application 392
Best Practices for Advanced Web Application Development 417

Chapter 10 Performance
Overall Performance Approach 421
Performance in J2EE Applications 430
Best Practices for J2EE Performance Engineering

Chapter 11 Moving toward Reuse in the Reference Architecture
Common Roadblocks and Corresponding Best Practices 444
Reuse in the Reference Architecture 452
The Strategic View of the Architecture 454
Best Practices for Moving toward Reuse

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Page 496
Copyright © 2003 by Darren Broemmer. All rights reserved.
Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
Published simultaneously in Canada
Publisher: Bob Ipsen
Editor: Theresa Hudson
Developmental Editor: Kenyon Brown
Editorial Manager: Kathryn A. Malm
Managing Editor: Pamela Hanley
New Media Editor: Brian Snapp
Text Design & Composition: Interactive Composition Corporation

JSP and XML Integrating XML and Web Services in Your JSP Application

Download XML Tutorial, About JSP and XML Integrating XML and Web Services in Your JSP Application:
The purpose of this book is to teach you how to implement XML and Web services within a JSP Web application or site. The book will start very simply and then work its way up in complexity. This will make the book accessible to a wide range of readers.

The target audience includes new and intermediate JSP programmers. However, this book will be useful for any JSP programmer who wants to expand his or her XML or Web service implementation knowledge. The book is also geared towards helping a JSP programmer think in terms of the combination of JSP, XML, and Web services. The goal is to show how to usefully integrate these technologies into your projects and share the lessons we have learned in building Web applications.

We are programmers who spend quite a bit of time building Web applications. Over the past few years, we have been implementing XML in our projects. However, implementing XML is easier said than done at times. Even worse, many times XML is implemented in ways that can be harmful to a project. You should never use XML for XML's sake. This book is a reflection of our ordeals in learning the various tools and the methods of incorporating XML in a useful way into a Web site.

The problem for developers hasn't been about finding information on java XML api, but about using XML successfully within Web applications. While there are plenty of solid XML titles, no title really focuses on how to integrate XML into your JSP project. This book is written with the JSP developer in mind. We want to help teach XML, XSL, XPath, and the entire alphabet soup that goes along with XML. By showing how to use XML within a JSP framework, we intend to help make implementing XML both easy and advantageous for the JSP developer.

Filetype : chm
By Casey Kochmer, Erica Frandsen
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: March 19, 2002
ISBN : 0-672-32354-0
Pages : 592
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pub Date: January 2004
ISBN : 0-596-00572-5
Pages : 746

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