Spreadsheet Basics Tutorials
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that you can use to organize, analyze and attractively present data such as a budget or sales report. Each Excel file is a workbook that can hold many worksheets. The worksheet is a grid of columns, designated by letters, and rows, designated by numbers. The letters and numbers of the columns and row called labels are displayed in gray buttons across the top and left side of the worksheet. The intersection of a column and a row is called a cell. Each cell on the spreadsheet has a cell address that is the column letter and the row number. Cells can contain text, numbers, or mathematical formulas.
Spreadsheet Basics
- Screen Layout
- Title bar
- Menu bar
- Standard Toolbar
- Other Tools
- Task Pane
- Adding and Renaming Worksheets
Modifying Worksheets
- Moving Through Cells
- Adding Worksheets, Rows, Columns, and Cells
- Resizing Rows and Columns
- Selecting Cells
- Moving and Copying Cells
- Deleting Rows, Columns and Cells
- Freeze Panes
Formatting Cells- Formatting Toolbar
- Format Cells Dialog Box
- Formatting Worksheet
- Dates and Times
- Format Painter
- AutoFormat
Formulas and Functions- Formulas
- Linking Worksheets
- Relative, Absolute, and Mixed
- Referencing
- Basic Functions
- AutoSum
Sorting and Filling- Basic Sorts
- Complex Sorts
- Auto-fill
Comparing WorkbooksPage Properties and Printing- Page Breaks
- Page Setup
- Margins
- Header/Footer
- Sheet
- Print Preview
- Print
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