Apr 19, 2008

cod4 private server tutorial

This is a step by step tutorial how to export models from Maya to Call of Duty 4 – Modern
Warfare. After installing the Maya Export Tools, that are included in the Mod Tools 1.0
released by Infinity Ward, you are able to add custom models to your custom maps.
How to install the exporter to Maya, please read the iWiki from Infinity Ward. The Exporter
tools are available for Maya 7 to 8.5.

1. Setting up
1. Setup Z UP
2. Check your Scaling
3. Setup a reference scale object
4. Setup the right scale
5. Setup the shader name
6. Setup the vertex color
2. Exporting
1. Setup and Export
3. Asset Manager Setup and Convert
1. Setting up the Material
2. Setting up the Model
3. Saving the gdt file and convert
4. Importing in Radiant
