Jan 30, 2009

A Guide for the Practitioner: Medical Ebooks

Maternal and Infant Assessment for Breastfeeding and Human Lactation: A Guide for the Practitioner, Second Edition explores the characteristics of breastfeeding problems that can be seen, heard, or observed, and allows the assessor to distinguish between breastfeeding problems and actual medical issues.

This text is designed for healthcare professionals who are responsible for constructing a comprehensive process for determining the breastfeeding status of mothers and infants. While past experience can provide some direction for exploration, a thorough assessment demands detailed examination of the unique aspects of the new situation. Assessors must individually tailor their approach depending on the circumstances; this text offers appropriate solutions to various potential issues.

The Second Edition of Maternal and Infant Assessment for Breastfeeding includes extensive new colored pictures and diagrams, as well as additional key information on the challenges of breastfeeding a premature infant.

A Guide for the Practitioner: Medical Ebooks

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Jan 28, 2009

Problem Based Obstetric Ultrasound Medical

This medical book "Problem Based Obstetric Ultrasound (Series in Maternal Fetal Medicine)" contains a series of clinical cases that address and illustrate difficult problems in obstetric ultrasound. The approach is strongly didactic and will aid trainees in maternal-fetal medicine and obstetrics to appreciate potential pitfalls and recognize rare presentations. Each case occupies one page, presents samples ultrasound scans, poses questions to test the reader's knowledge and then gives model answers. Learning objectives are given for each case, together with a short list of references and background reading.

Problem Based Obstetric Ultrasound Medical

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Jan 26, 2009

Lange Q and A : Mammography Examination Medical

This Medical Books "Lange Q and A : Mammography Examination Medical" by Olive Peart is Clinical Coodinator, Program in Radiology, Stamford Hospital, Stamford, CT.
Everything you need to ace the ARRT Mammography Exam in one complete study package! Two complete practice tests plus easy-to-read summaries of all the must-know concepts for the most thorough exam prep available anywhere! Two practice tests in the book and on CD-ROM ensure that the real test is not your first test Questions on CD-ROM familiarizes you with the online testing experience ARRT-format questions prepare you for what you'll see on exam day Easy-to-read review of exam essentials boils down what you really must know Written by an experienced Radiography instructor who knows exactly what it takes to pass 400 exam-style questions in the book and on CD-ROM with answers and explanations 75 illustrations, including radiographs to illustrate pathology, film comparison, normal circumscribed lesions, and normal breast calcification NEW coverage of the latest digital imaging technology, digital quality assurance standards, special patient situations, breast pathology, the latest treatment options and breast reconstruction.

Lange Q and A : Mammography Examination  Medical

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Jan 23, 2009

The Pregnancy Sourcebook: Medical Ebooks

The Pregnancy Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know is a time of great joy and anticipation, but an expectant mother's road is paved with many questions. "The Pregnancy Sourcebook" furnishes the answers, covering everything women need to know through the pregnancy and after.

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Jan 20, 2009

Acute Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Medical

This Books is Neurological Disease and Therapy Category. "Acute Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Medical" by Anish Bhardwaj (Editor), Dilantha B. Ellegala (Editor), Jeffrey R. Kirsch (Editor).

The clinical management of patients with acute brain and spinal cord injury has evolved significantly with the advent of new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Editors Bhardwaj and Kirsch offer you Management of Acute Brain and Spinal Cord Injury, a new stand-alone reference to help today's neurologists and neurosurgeons keep abreast of all the recent advancements in brain and spinal cord injury. Divided into five sections, brain injury, ischemic stroke, intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage, traumatic injury and medical management of spinal cord injuries, this text give you a summary of the most current medical science for the clinical management of patients with acute brain and spinal cord injuries.

Acute Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Medical

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Jan 18, 2009

Asperger syndrome Neurology Medical Ebooks

The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome is Neurology Medical Ebooks the definitive handbook for anyone affected by Asperger's syndrome (AS). It brings together a wealth of information on all aspects of the syndrome for children through to adults.

Usually diagnosed in childhood, Asperger syndrome is a lifelong social disorder that bears many similarities to high-functioning autism. Individuals with the disorder are characterized by a lack of empathy, little ability to form friendships, one-sided conversations, clumsy movements, and intense absorption in special interests. While Asperger syndrome has received increasing attention from researchers, clinicians, educators, and parents in recent years, numerous central questions about the disorder remain unanswered.

Asperger syndrome Neurology

Drawing on case studies and personal accounts from Attwood's extensive clinical experience, and from his correspondence with individuals with AS, this book is both authoritative and extremely accessible. Chapters examine: causes and indications of the syndrome; the diagnosis and its effect on the individual; theory of mind; the perception of emotions in self and others; social interaction, including friendships; long-term relationships; teasing, bullying and mental health issues; the effect of AS on language and cognitive abilities, sensory sensitivity, movement and co-ordination skills; and career development.

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Jan 15, 2009

Medical Ebooks - Growth Hormone Secretagogues in Clinical Practice

This medical free ebooks Growth Hormone Secretagogues in Clinical Practice from Barry B. Bercu. The initial growth hormone-releasing peptide (GHRP), Tyr-D-Trp-Gly-Phe-Met-NH2 was developed in 1976 (1), and since then the GHRPs have been greatly expanded at many different levels including accomplishments of both potentially practical and theoretical value.

Free Medical Ebooks


Jan 13, 2009

Slow Electrical Processes in The Brain: Neurology Medical

This Neurology Medical Ebooks "Slow Electrical Processes in The Brain" by N.A Aladjalova.

Slow Electrical Processes in The Brain: Neurology Medical

# Hardcover: 243 pages
# Publisher: Elsevier (1964)
# ISBN-10: 0444400079
# ISBN-13: 978-0444400079
# Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds

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Medical Ebooks | Molecular Imaging in Oncology

This medical ebooks published by Informa HealthCareWith molecular imaging becoming one the fastest growing topics in medical schools, Informa Healthcare presents Molecular Imaging in Oncology, the first comprehensive reference on molecular imaging in oncology.

Medical Ebooks

Filled with over 500 high-resolution color images exhibiting diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of molecular imaging in cancer, this text outlines all procedures for the radiologists, radiology physicists, and oncologists in a concise single source guide.

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