Apr 18, 2008

Microsoft Access Tutorial: Advanced

Part 1 Tutorial : Create Database

1. Start MS Access
From the Start menu click on
> Programs
> Microsoft Office
> Microsoft Access 2003
2. Note the Getting Started task pane on the right side of your screen.
3. Click on Create a new file.
4. The New File task pane will appear. Under New, click on Blank Database.
5. Name the database contact_management and choose Desktop as the location. Click the Create button.

A. Create Table in Design View
1. The contact_management : Database window opens. Double click the Create table in design view item. The Table1 : Table opens.
2. Begin entering field names starting with Call_ID.
Click in the Data Type box and from the pull down menu select AutoNumber.
3. Click the Primary Key button on the Table Design toolbar. Each table MUST have a Primary Key.
4. A Foreign Key field must be included to establish a relationship. A foreign key field is a primary key taken from a foreign table (for example, the customer_ID field from the Customers table would establish the relationship between the Customers table and the Calls table). Give it a Number Data Type.
5. Continue adding field names from your preliminary field list until all are added.
6. Click the Save button. The Save As window opens. Name the table Calls. Click the OK button.
You have created the table structure for the Calls table from scratch. Let’s take a look.
7. From the Table Design toolbar, select the Datasheet View icon.
The table datasheet window opens. Check your list of fields for accuracy.
8. Close the table by clicking the X in the upper right corner.
9. You now see the contact_management : Database window. Now you will create tables by
importing data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

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Microsoft Access Tutorial: The Basics

Part 1 Tutorial:

1. Start MS Access
From the Start menu click on
> Programs
> Microsoft Office
> Microsoft Office Access 2003

2. Note the Getting Started task pane on the right side of your screen.
3. Click on Create a new file.
4. The New File task pane will appear.
Under Templates, click On my computer, to open the Templates window. Also notice the online templates.

5. Click on the Databases tab.
Notice that there are templates for all types of databases.
Double click on the Contact Management icon. The File New
Database window will appear. Select Desktop, use the default name and then click the Create button. The .mdb extension will automatically be added.

6. In a moment, the Database Wizard window will guide you through the process.
• In the first window, click Next.
• In the second window, you can
select optional fields to be included in your Contact Information table.
• Scroll to the bottom of the right hand column to view the optional fields. Notice the other two tables in the left hand column. They include different fields.
• Click Next and choose Standard style for your screen displays. You can preview other styles by clicking on each name.

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Cod4 Private Server Tutorial - Create Your Own Server

Part 1 Tutorial:

First you need to make sure you have the correct ports forwarded if you are behind a router. You also need to make sure that your software firewall isn’t blocking cod4 which will be named as ‘iw3mp.exe’ in your firewall’s program settings/exceptions.

For your router you will need to forward ports:


For a good guide on how to do this for a specific router you can check out this site. The site lists pretty much all common routers that you’ll most likely be using. All you do once your on the site is look for your specific router from the list and click on it. Then the next page will show a ton of games, just look for call of duty 4 and click on it. You should see a short guide on how to port forward for your router on that page. It’s pretty simple; note that it will most likely only show you how to forward port 28960 but you also need to forward 20800 and 20810 as mentioned earlier. So just repeat the steps that you did for 28960 (one other way to get around this is to just put your router in DMZ mode which basically places your computer outside of it’s internet gateway. I wouldn’t recommend doing this as it could make your computer vulnerable. Handy though if you can’t be bothered to forward ports manually).

Once you have your ports forwarded for your router and your software firewall is allowing cod4 access to the internet then you can move onto the next part of this tut.

Part 2 Tutorial :

Ok, this part is easier than the first part. Hopefully you didn’t have too much trouble setting up your router (probably the hardest part). In order to get your server going you need to make a config. For your convenience here is one setup up for you: Dedicated.CFG

Download that cfg (right click save as) and open it with notepad or wordpad and then just change the server name along with rcon and save. Once you’ve done that place the dedicated.cfg file in your call of duty 4 main folder.

Default is C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main.

Part 3 Tutorial :

Now that you have your cfg edited and placed in the right directory you need to make another shortcut for iw3mp.exe on your desktop and rename it to dedicated server or whatever you want really. This is so that you have two shortcuts to the ‘iw3mp.exe’, one for playing cod4 normally online and the other for your dedicated cod4 server. So now with your shortcut for your server you have to right click it and click properties.

Where it says “Target” you have to place this line: +set dedicated 2 +set sv_punkbuster 1 +exec dedicated.cfg +map_rotate after iw3mp.exe so it should look something like this:

“C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\iw3mp.exe” +set dedicated 2 +set sv_punkbuster 1 +exec dedicated.cfg +map_rotate

Then click apply. Note, that if it doesn’t let you apply and gives you an error then you’re doing something wrong.

Ok, after all that your server is pretty much setup and all you have to do is double click on the shortcut you made earlier. There is just one more thing you need to figure out or perhaps two?… that is, your ip which is pretty easy. Just google my ip and you should find it no problem and also how to make your ip static so that people can find your server at any time without your IP changing everytime you reconnect to the internet (provided your server is running). For those with a static IP you’re ok but i doubt anyone reading this tut will have a static IP as most of us are using dynamic IP’s set from our ISP’s end that change each time we connect to the net or when our computer/router is restarted.

If you’ve done all that, you can simply click on your server shortcut and a cod4 console window will open. This is totally normal and means that your game is running in dedicated server mode.

You’ll now be able to tell your friends your server ip, which is obviously your ip and port 28960 next to it. If you want to setup a static DNS/IP please read on.

Part 4 Tutorial :

To overcome the dynamic IP problem mentioned earlier you can create an account at no-ip.com and setup a managed DNS account. After which you will need to download their software and install it on your computer.

So follow these steps:

1. Create an account at no-ip.com

2. Login to your account

3. Once in your account click on ‘Add’ which is under Hosts/Redirects on the left navigation.

4. Think of a host name and type it in the hostname field under host information in the middle.

5. Pick a domain name of your choice from the drop down list.

6. Make sure your IP is shown in the ‘IP Address’ field

7. Now just click on the ‘Create Host’ button at the bottom.

8. Next you download their software.

9. Install and run the program, then login to the program.

More information http://dead-x-clan.com/cod4-private-server-tutorial-create-your-own-server/